Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Big Words

Perhaps it seems a bit silly (which somehow means blessed? Or is it the other way around?), but I've been giving myself quite a few pats on the back for stepping out of my comfort zone and making your acquaintance. (And now the roommate is mushy-talking to her boyfriend, who happens to be my cousin, which is disconcerting and irritating and now I'm totally distracted.) At the same time, my comfort zone of words and editing seems to have been invaded--I find myself checking the dictionary half the time to make sure I'm spelling something write or that I understand what you are saying. Tonight was a vocab night, albeit a vocabulary that I've already started to learn.

1. Poetaster. Noun. An inferior poet. Also a workshopping group that meets once a week to, well, workshop poetry. I've known about it for two years now, ever since JD announced it in our contemporary American poetry class, and I fumed because I didn't like the name. Well, that was the reason I said I wasn't going. I'm not sure why I didn't. Too shy, too self-conscious. Plus I've never thought as myself as a poet or one who writes poetry, so I didn't know if I belonged. I'm still not sure, but I enjoy it.

2. Triangles. No part of speech can contain it. And I'm still not entirely sure what it is. But apparently I'm a green who frequently flips purple. Questions? Me too.

As a final thought, I saw Lizzie tonight. Or rather she saw me as she ran past. And she was right. I do know everything about London--and other things.


Unknown said...

I knew it, I knew it...you dear madem are in serious dog poopoo. Why are you not here?

ambrosia ananas said...

Green who flips purple. . . . Yeah, that fits. And I must say, I really enjoy watching you go purple. It's quite a skill.

Poetasters--I'm glad you're coming. And they've been threatening for months now to change the name, as people keep thinking that it means we exhume and consume decayed poets.

Trianles--Any time you want to know more, ask, well, nearly anybody. We're all happy to spout off at length about semiotics. Any time you want to know less, just ask. It would do us good to shut up about triangles a bit.

Hmmm. I think at some point, when you're not busy studying icky theory or compiling cool books, we need to play. I think it should involve either chocolate or curry.

editorgirl said...

Does it really have to be an either or situation?

Count me in.


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