Lake Michigan is a short 15-minute walk from my apartment--a short, hellish 15-minute walk in the winter. I haven't gone since September or October, but today it was 51 degrees--51 degrees!--so I took a walk.

I've been wanting to photograph this bench since I first saw it. Each summer the community paints it up, and every time I go to the lake, I spend a long time walking along, smiling over the bench.
I love that park bench.
I'm jealous. It looks wonderful! I wish I had an amazing scene to walk to... Utah Lake does NOT count. Did you get my present yet?
i literally wore a sundress today (possibly a little deranged, but over 50 is practically spring!). that park bench made my heart do all sorts of great leaping. thank you for sharing. i am so excited to see you this week!!!
Great pics! Glad you finally got some sun . . .
Colder beach than even San Francisco.
The wind will take everything, leaving only you. Must be some wind! Some of those pics took me back to Ukraine.
It was 80 here in the ATL yesterday, so I guess I'm less cool right now.
I love water--living on the Mississippi River on my mission was one of my favorite things. Glad it was warm enough to enjoy it!
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