I should be writing about AWP and reconnecting with old friends and finally realizing that I just might not be the failure I thought I was*, but all I really want to say is
Abby is the cutest kid ever.

*Check back for Existential Crisis: The Series later this week--or tonight if we reach that point.
but i'll be anxiously awaiting to hear about AWP.
Me to. I assume you got the Cafe Rio recipes . . . .
me too! i'm so excited to hear everything. funnily enough, i decided yesterday that i'm more of a failure than i thought! but today i'm getting over it.
Definitely do not boycott Pixar. We still love it and we're shooting for the internship for next summer. I love you tons!!!!! (Yes, I am fully aware that I just used five exclamation marks.)
the only failure for either of you two brilliant women is figuring out how to live in the same state.
tee hee hee glad she likes the tutu :) I miss your guts and you were in my dream last night but you totally ignored me. Seriously.
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