When my aunt asked me if I wanted to use her extra ticket to see Movin' Out tonight, all I knew was that it was dancing and it was Billy Joel. Then I did a bit of research. This "rock ballet" was choreographed by Twyla Tharp and is awesome (in the proper sense of the word). Tharp's style is so patently her own (this picture from "Uptown Girl" doesn't do her justice) that it's worth it sans Billy--although that was pretty cool too.
And as I was watching, I was thinking about how Zero and I had a conversation about finding new territory to jumpstart our writing--or rather, my writing. I thought at the time I needed to road trip. But I found something tonight, something that made me feel intense and violent and powerful and all those things that theatre sets loose in my head.
To be perfectly honest, I came home and there was no one here and I crashed because I wanted someone so much that all that intensity became this need that I try to pretend I don't feel most of the time.
Cue the music.
I used to think I really liked Billy Joel until I listened to a collection of his stuff and realized that, no, I basically like "Uptown Girl" and "Piano Man." But boy howdy, do I like those.
{dances} ...and when she's taaalkin', she'll say that she's miyiyine...
It's ok to feel that need.
hi friend! miss you already. i wish wish wish wish that you were here.
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