Sunday, April 16, 2006

back to the future

I know, I know. Little Miss Blogging Fiend up and disappeared. Well, it's finals time and my life is not my own. Not that it ever has been--at least not for a good long while. So to tide you over, here is the past few days in review and the next week in. . . not review.

Thursday: Happy birthday to me. A good day, with little fanfare and much eating. The family came down for an early dinner at Olive Garden, and then friends came for fondue (thanks for all the help, Brozy). It was an interesting assortment, but a good one, and I felt loved, which I think was the whole point.

Friday: Road trip! to SLC with Saule and Tolkien to meet up with Cindy to. . . what else?. . . shop. Although I think I was the only one to buy anything, and what I bought was books (by Milosz--I highly recommend both Second Space and Road-side Dog). An excellent dinner at Thaiphoon, ran into the Jester and his posse, and did I mention that we were at one of my favorite places ever? I don't know why I love the Gateway in SLC, but it probably has something to do with shopping, eating, and the fountain that scared TB.

Saturday: Date with SA boy. Um, yeah. Have I mentioned that he's the kind of cute that continues to surprise me each time I look at him? And then I'm surprised because he seems interested in what I have to say and that I'm comfortable just chatting with him. . . for hours. We ate at Gurus and then met up with TB and TB's friend for Divine Comedy. Which was brilliant (I'm writing a review and will post that in the near future). Thank you to everyone who coached me through my first date in, oh, a really long time.

Sunday: Church (where I kept my radar tuned to SA boy). And then Easter dinner in Bountiful, with the family and TB and Lady Jane. It was fun, and there will be blackmail pics available in the very near future. And now I have a stack of 115 papers to grade. Yuck.

Monday: Last 115 class of the semester. Write 20-pager (yet to be started) to be turned in on

Tuesday: Last 590R of the semester. Turn in 20-page paper. Last 218R of the semester. Listen to student excuses.

Wednesday, Thursday: Reading days that will be spent preparing for

Friday: 8:00 218R final. Take 590R final (on contemporary poetry of belief) before driving to SLC to turn in a 15-ish page paper articulating a theory for my own writing. Gulp.

Saturday: 2:30 p.m. 115 final.

The nice thing is, after Saturday, I'm done with finals. And during the week I'm planning on supplementing my insanity with trips to Gurus and Pudding on the Rice. . . rice pudding. . . yum.


Yancy said...

I'm slightly curious as to the details of your date...but that's your business. I'm glad that it was enjoyable.

To quote Baz Luhrmann's Moulin Rouge "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return."

Well...I don't think I've quite learned that one just yet.

editorgirl said...

The details of my date? As in who Mr. SA is? (I decided "SA boy" was a little demeaning.) Or the course of conversation? The time? The place? Give me an excuse to relive it and I'll pounce. Just tell me what you want to know. (And then I'll embarrass myself terribly, although apparently I'm cute when I blush, so it's not a bad thing.)

Kristen said...

e) all of the above.


Aislin said...

I'm pleased to the feline degree that the date went well.
Good luck this week--it sounds behemoth. But what is it like to administer a final rather than take one? Empowering or just boring?


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