I've spent tonight trying to figure out the two kinds of openness defined in Allan--not Harold--Bloom's "Our Virtue." In addition to the stupid title, the man doesn't make any sense, at least not that I can figure out. There are two kinds of openness defined, but I can't decide which is which. It probably doesn't help that I had Grey's Anatomy playing in the background, but usually the background noise does help. Let's define that as one type of openness--open to outside influences.
I still have 40 poems to "grade." It's not really grading--it's commenting and giving credit for having done the assignment. Add to that two lesson plans (Muhlestein is a genius for planning four weeks in advance, but how is that possible.) Tomorrow's subjects are word choice (for 218) and intros, conclusions, and APA format (for 150). 150 is easy--just a repeat of past lessons, featuring Indiana Jones and Hitch and the tech podium. The 218. . . I don't know. And I know that there is the possibility of riot if I don't have the aforementioned poems marked up and ready to go. It's 1:20 a.m. Either I pull an all-nighter or it's not going to happen. Just waiting for the Diet Coke to kick in. If it doesn't, I'm dead.
What I did do this weekend: read Pamela Dean's Tam Lin, which is what I still think college life should be like; saw World of Dance with Lady Jane (they abused the smoke machine and ended to High School Musical, but I can't really fault them on either point); met up with Saule and Tolkien Boy in Salt Lake for a final night of reveling before TB leaves us for Washington; killed my feet walking around SLC in heels; and I did read for 628 (Doctorow's The March) and most of 630. . . which returns me to the problem at hand. I still don't know what Bloom (Allan--not Harold) is talking about. Time for more DCwL, a bath, and a hi-lighter.
I sure do love Grey's Anatomy. I admit, I'm a fan. What did I do this weekend? Watched a Harry Potter parody and won a poker tournament.
I really like Harry Potter. And I spent my weekend reading an Agatha Christie book. Real great use of my time. I just dreamed that I was at a U2 concert, but it was conflicting with my 150 class. And I was thinking "I don't care, no one can make me leave." I was feeling guilty but defiant.
We much appreciated your company. I hope your feet will forgive me. If they don't, we'll have to make sure our next outing doesn't permit shoes. Maybe we can go to Tennessee.
What's wrong with your last post? It won't let me post anything. In fact, it says it can't be found. Weird. Anyway, I was just going to mention if you're not *that* busy we should finish inscape... Really we should. And I will continue to harass you until the end of time. I'm going out of town next week you know...
yes, I'm muy mad that your most recent post won't let me comment. I was going to say that a diet coke right now might make my life better. For the first time I'm beginning to wonder if I'm addicted to that stuff.
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