Sunday, October 25, 2009

cut it out.

This is what my hair looked like last Saturday.

This is what it looks like now.

But wait, Larry. I can't tell if she likes it. Look at her face.

Pretty serious for a new haircut.

I think she likes it.


"In the way . . ." said...

You sure you shouldn't refocus on theater . . . .

Maryn said...

Cute! I am truly jealous. I want short hair.

Marie said...

your new cut looks fabulous. i love it. i think i might go and do the same tomorrow.

Meg said...

Looks great! I miss you dearly. Come home soon.

Lekili said...

OOH. I love the length and the way it frames your face. Very cute Sar.

Anna B said...

you're SO HOT!!! the perfect preparation for a fun time in sc ;) seriously great haircut on seriously great girl. love it. and you!

brooke and forrest said...

i loooooooove it! you look so hot! can't wait to see you!

Anna B said...

brooke and i are talking on the phone and looking at your blog and discussing how beautiful you are. classically beautiful, like kate winslet. something that the pre raphaelites would paint. and that is our conversation.

Jim/Blog said...


The WalkaboutChef said...

it looks great! you looked darling at your halloween party too. i saw a couple of pictures on facebook where you were tagged. if i'm really nice from now on will you try to explain some of your incredible poetry to me someday?

Saule Cogneur said...

I like. Seeing your picture reminds me that I haven't seen you in like...3 years. :(

ambrosia ananas said...

looks fantastic!

(word verfication is traticad, which somehow feels significant.)


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