Monday, July 10, 2006

so you'd like to. . .

I tried to explain to Saule last night that my life is too boring to blog about right now. He pointed out that every day something happens that is worth noticing. And there's this voice inside my head telling me he's right--I know he's right--but there's another voice pointing out that accepting that as gospel truth means forgoing my recent goal of pretending that I don't exist.

Faking existence is hard enough, but faking nonexistence is a feat akin to scaling Y Mountain. It requires commitment and determination and hours of watching movies that most people will have forgotten by next year. But you can't always watch movies, so you read books. Not books that are going to benefit your career, but novels that will find their way onto the DI shelves sooner than later.

Feeding must take place. Fast food is a nice but weighty option, so go for simple grocery store fare: cold cereal, frozen burritos, ice cream, ice cream bars, ice cream sandwiches. And one must pay for food and shelter and the occasional spree, so work must happen. But by all means, try to find jobs that require minimal contact with the outside world. Because once people start to see you often in one place, they start to suspect things. Productivity is also bad--it leaves a paper trail. If you're not going to exist, then don't exist. You can't say you're going to exist and then create things. It just doesn't work that way.


ambrosia ananas said...

I vote for your existence, please. I plan to read your famous works when you're published, and that will become difficult if you insist on not existing. Also, nonexistent persons have a really hard time enjoying chocolate cupcakes.

On another subject, I'm considering offing your roommate. Or maybe just paying her off.

Saule Cogneur said...

Moi, je prefere de rester hors de vue aussi.


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