I'm serious. The past few years, I've gone out of my way to be the grinchiest of Grinchs. I believe it brings order to the universe. But nothing says Holiday Spirit to me like a box of Christmas Tree snack cakes. I don't know if it's the vanilla cake or the vanilla frosting or those green sprinkles on top. And maybe it's just a little more than my usual dose of pathetic that I can get happy over such a small thing when Christman carols make me consider cutting off both ears (take that, Van Gogh). Christmas just isn't Christmas without them, though. And since my Macey's run last night produced the first box of the season, the season can officially begin.
Merry Christmas, everyone.
Thanks, editorgirl. Merry Christmas to you too.
I admit that Little Debbie's Oatmeal Cream Pies are a guilty pleasure for me, one that I haven't enjoyed in a while, acutally.
Hmmmm. . .
I'm confused. Where is the chocolate in them? And if it's not there, why do they exist?
and a Happy Christmas to you! Amen on the Oatmeal Cream Pies!
I'm with Master Fob. But I'm also pretty sure they make them in chocolate. And I'm going to buy some tomorrow. And I'll think of you.
Yay! Nothing says "Christmas" like mass-produced, cheap food.
Can't wait to see you.
Now imagine if the Little Debbie Christmas Tree Snack Cakes were Cadbury Christmas Tree Snack Cakes. Those would make for a merry Christmas and to all a good night.
Nothing says Christmas like....
Nothing says Christmas.
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