Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Happiness is

Somewhere between witnessing the pig head roasting shindig of the century and participating in a brilliant evening of ramen and Shrek 2, I picked up photos from the april evening of madness, aka, editorgirl feeds the masses. A few of them are now happily framed in my happy little room. A few more are sitting in envelopes in anticipation of giving them to the aforementioned april members. But a week and a half (okay, I'll see K tomorrow night) is just too long. If patience is a virture, it's one I didn't get. That sounds like a line from a poem just dripping with that fake plastic cheese. So, the poet formly known as editorgirl will again take on the guise of captiongirl and give you a quick preview to the beauty awaiting you upon returning to the fair land of Provo. In no particular order:

K, Kapka, Day, and yours truly piled on the couch, with Kapka artfully displaying the defunct dating god of the apartment. All of us are smiling, with the exception of Kapka, who looks as if she is preparing yet another question for Allen regarding Rilke and dance moves.

Steve looking like the master academic/scholar/poet/bum that he is, casually sitting back with his wife, who happens to be the only one smiling. K is also in the picture, sticking her tongue out in commentary on either the institution of marriage or institutions in general.

HMP and Steve in yet another contest of masculinity, this time. . . walking around the room balancing books on their heads? Yes, ladies and gentlemen, april is not only a writing group; it also doubles as a finishing school!

Another one of HMP looking pensive. . . or is it thoughtful?

One off-angle shot displaying Steve's shoe, K's knee, HMP (gasp) clearing plates away, and Kapka and me laughing on the LoveSac.

And finally, we return to the original configuration of the april ladies (or chicks if you prefer) kicking it on the couch. But what's different here? Why, it's someone's abnormally long middle finger. I wonder whose finger that could be. . . one more picture I won't be showing my mother.

I know I could scan these in and post them, but that's no fun. This is. Happy Christmas everyone.



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