Tuesday, July 03, 2007

thoughts at 3:36 a.m.

Have I come this far to fail, and fail miserably?

Do you tell him? Should you tell him? Does he already know?

Why is the rum* gone?

*And by rum, I mean chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate.


Kristen said...

little did he know...

Melyngoch said...

Shall I bring you more chocolate?

Anonymous said...

I'll send you some. what is your address, btw, officially?

JB said...

Why don't they have rum-flavored chocolate. I bet they do and I just haven't found it yet. . .

N.F. said...

My newest favorite chocolate ever: Dove Dark Chocolate. Oh my crap--SO freaking good! And, this from someone who NEVER touched dark chocolate in the past!


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