Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Someday I hope to be Mrs. Fahrenheit

Kapka used to say "Someday I want to be Mrs. Goodbar." This comment has led to her receiving more Mr. Goodbars over the course of our friendship than she could ever eat. Lately, K's Gmail Chat line is "Someday I want to be Mrs. Nerdy Rad." Again, not a real person--just the tagline for those guys who manage to be just nerdy enough to be attractive.

That's really not the point of this post.

Over the past few months I've been, well, wedding-happy. Flipping through wedding mags in the grocery store, surfing the web, saving pictures of announcements and dresses and rings. (And since this isn't pcaaca, no "oh my!" needed.) I was rather annoyed with myself, but when [Friend] told me she was marriage inclined, sans man, too, somehow I found my craze justified. Since then, I've amped up my obsession to colors and flowers and music (you may now say "oh my!").

I'm not ashamed. I'm annoyed. I want to think that I'm "better" than all this marriage/wedding stuff. Or, if I were to be completely honest, I'd like to continue thinking that I'm not ready for all this stuff. I've gotten used to being the older single sister--times three now that Sven and Seth are attached to girls. We're placing bets that Sven will get married before 2009. Part of me thinks "Good for him." And part of me is screaming "What the hell?!?"

There is only one cure for this: bring on the PhD. Please, somebody, let me in so I can go back to the books.


Anna B said...

I love this post. And you even more!

Ginsberg said...

Dearest editorgirl,

Maybe you should throw yourself a wedding party without really getting married. I'm sure Tolkien Boy would be willing to stand in as the man in the tuxedo/three-piece suit. You could have a cake, flowers, "colors", great music, and a video montage of pictures of you as a little girl. All your friends could come to give you presents and eat mixed nuts. It'd be great.

Also, for whatever it's worth, I just got my little sister's wedding announcement in the mail on Sat. She's twenty-two. I'm now going to be the only unmarried person in my immediate family. Weird. I think that when my grandma asks me "when [I'm] going to get married?" at my sister's reception--like I know she will--,I'm going to punch her in the face and say something like, "When I darn well please. Don't worry, you'll be the first to know."

Amanda said...

Do you know Andy Ross? I hope so. In any case, he had a reception in his honor in place of a birthday party last summer. It had everything--snack bar, line (his parents happened to be in town and stood in line with him, along with his roommates), slides of himself, fake reception invitations/announcements. It was great.

Books, ah books. Always a good fall-back, no?

mlh said...

How funny--I saw 27 dresses and bride and prejudice and the same thing happened to me for 2 days.

I definitely think that sending ut graduation announcements felt like an old substitute for wedding announcements. Right down to writing "Dr. and Mrs. Paul Hedengren."

Today in econ 381, we were talking about kids and somehow it came up that I don't have kids. "Someone make me an offer," I declared. Dr. Lefgren suggested this may be a too-bold courtship practice.

brooke and forrest said...

i'm glad [friend] helped you to feel normal about being wedding-happy. i love your guts.


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