Sunday, February 04, 2007

eg is nowhere

ah the beauty of the compound word. am i no-where or am i now-here? either way, the real question is "where the hell is sarah?" and right now i'm not sure of the answer.

No more lowercased. I can't rock it the way oh!res does. It could be the lack of punctuation in my nym. Or it could be my dependency on hair. Or it could just be that I'm not oh!res. I'm sorry if this revelation disappoints.

Saule and I had a little chat the other night. Something about worries. My worries. He pointed out that I don't have many worries (or I say I don't) because I assign those things to the realm of the impossible. I hate it when he's right, but he's right.

Here are my worries: budgeting my time, my money, and my weight. I never thought I'd admit to those on this blog. This blog is for eg the brilliant. But these are the areas where I just fall on my face. I wait for the last minute, I live to the last dollar, and I have no idea how to apply this all to my weight and diet.

Here's what I know: I have to budget if this spring is going to pan out. I have to finish my thesis. I have to keep up on my grading. I have to save so that I can go to London. And I have to get myself back into some form of shape if I'm going to walk across England.

Across England.

What the hell am I thinking?

And where the hell is Sarah?


Anonymous said...

Ginsberg is nowhere too. Why stop at walking across England? Walk across the Atlantic too. Let the fish below see the bottoms of your feet appearing, disappearing. Also, don't worry too much. You'll turn in to me. Or worse, Tolkien Boy.

Saule Cogneur said...

I've been asking that question for months.

I'm not very good being wrong, but for you, I'll try harder.

Anonymous said...

i do nothing that includes the word "budget" or some form of it. unless, of course, it also includes the word "bad," as in "bad budgeting." why is it that all things, time in particular, are so hard to budget? they don't want to be budgeted, that's why!! and i'm not mean enough to force it.

Tolkien Boy said...

I'm somewhere, which breaks into so-me-where (as in, I'm so me where I'm at right now) or some-where (as in, who can tell where I'm coming from?) and somewhe ere (as in, before the somewhe).

I wish, though, that my some and your no would get together and then we could be in samewhere.

Melyngoch said...


Also, I'd just assume that walking across England would cause me to become in shape, and not worry about it until then.

Also, maybe you should write postmodern fiction for a living.


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