Friday, January 05, 2007


The time has come for me to return to Provo. This is not due to my being driven crazy by my family--in fact, I've quite enjoyed myself this break. Sleeping and walking and quilting and reading. . . rather fantastic.

But the fantastic-ness is waning. And I am antsy. I rewrote my syllabus and created a calendar for 150. And then I read the first twelve chapters of Pride and Prejudice. And then the February issue of Lucky. Made dinner for Marzipan and her gaggle of friends. Shoveled the driveway. And so forth. And this is all tonight. Tomorrow I get to play with K (I hope) and by Sunday I will be in Provo and by Monday I should be stressed out of my mind again.

At least, let's all hope so.


Anonymous said...

when are you going to come and play with me?

Melyngoch said...

I'd just like to point out in my sternest, um, font, that you didn't come back to Provo in time for the best blue-beta party ever. Hmmph.


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